Feeling lost, anxious, depressed, or struggling with life choices or relationships? I will meet with you and talk about what is happening for you. Pulling from the expertise that over 10 years in the field provides, I will teach you skills to help cope with the difficult times and will practice these with you during your session. I am person focused and will assist you to explore solutions for the problems you are experiencing and encourage practical use of skills you will learn during your time in session. I have been trained in solution focussed, cognitive behavioral, strength-based, trauma, and attachment treatment models and will use these to help focus on the change you want to see in your life. If you prefer a more hands on approach, I frequently use art, music, meditation, mindfulness, and movement in sessions to help you process emotions in your body and promote a sense of wellbeing in the session.
Call today for a free consultation.
Areas I can help with:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Focus
- Relationships
- Communication
- Low Self-Esteem and Identity Struggles